Patient Transport Managers are crucial in ensuring smooth patient flow within healthcare facilities.
Patient Flow Software Blog
Mary Cooper
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Posted by Mary Cooper on Mon, Aug 19, 2024 @ 12:29 PM
Topics: patient transport
Streamlining Patient Transportation: Leveraging the Power of Software for Optimal Efficiency
Posted by Mary Cooper on Tue, Sep 12, 2023 @ 10:57 AM
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, efficiency and patient care remain top priorities. One crucial aspect often overlooked is patient transportation within medical facilities. Traditional methods of coordinating patient transfers can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Enter Patient transportation software – a solution that's transforming the way healthcare institutions manage patient mobility. In this blog, we'll explore the best use of patient transportation software and how it can enhance hospital operations while prioritizing patient well-being.
Topics: patient transportation software
A Brief Look at the Affordable Care Act and Patient Flow
Posted by Mary Cooper on Mon, Apr 14, 2014 @ 12:36 PM
The Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, is a law that, according to the Department of Health and Human Services: “Puts consumers back in charge of their health care… [and] gives the American people the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their health.” Media coverage concerning the ACA has been focused on the effects for consumers, or patients. But, what about hospitals? How will the ACA effect health care providers?
The vision of Bernard Tyson, president and CEO of the Kaiser Permanente Health System, may help shed some light on these questions. According to Tyson, the current goal of health care providers, given the Affordable Care Act, is:
Topics: patient flow, patient satisfaction, bed management, patient placement, patient transport
The Rising Importance of Patient Experience Reviews
Posted by Mary Cooper on Mon, Feb 03, 2014 @ 04:17 PM
Are You Meeting or Missing the Mark?
Perhaps because we call them “patients,” we often forget that patients are also consumers, and the decision-making process applies to hospitals just as it applies to hotels, restaurants, and retail providers. Questions like “Where to get treatment?” “Which doctor to trust?” and “What hospital to support?” are increasingly determined by what other patients & consumers have to say.Now, according to research provided by PriceWaterhouseCoopers, there is no denying that hospitals are influenced by the growing popularity of online ratings and reviews.
Healthcare Business Tech weighed in on this fairly recent trend, stating, “With the rise of the Internet and social media, today’s customers are more savvy with all their purchases-and have higher expectations. Health care is no different.”
So, what does a review-savvy patient mean for our readers in the healthcare industry? It means that the patient experience, from the moment they walk up to the front desk to the moment they exit the hospital, is now, more than ever, a vital part of your hospital’s success and survival. Having tools in place to create a smooth, efficient patient experience could be the difference between a poor or a positive rating.
Topics: patient flow, patient review, patient satisfaction
Bringing Passion and Problem Solving to Patient Flow Logistics
Posted by Mary Cooper on Fri, Aug 30, 2013 @ 04:18 PM
A PFS original interview with Peter Van de Kerkhove, one of the industry’s leading innovators
Peter Van de Kerkhove is a man with a mission. A mission to provide hospitals with astandardized approach for coordinating and managing Patient Transport activities, using technology.
In fact, he’s had this mission for over 25 years, beginning with his job as a Project Manager for Process Improvement, working for a 900-bed medical center, in the Department of Operations (workflow) Analysis. It was in this position that Peter discovered he had a passion for Patient Transport and made it his personal mission to see it improved.
Today, he is seeing that mission realized as over 50 hospitals have benefited from his innovative breakthrough in transport technology, including those served by PFS, as he is one of our co-founders and a continued consultant.
Topics: patient flow, patient transportation, patient transportation software, patient tracking, patient visibility
How to Avoid Patient Transportation Issues Before They Occur
Posted by Mary Cooper on Fri, Jun 22, 2012 @ 12:30 PM
A True Life Look at Patient Flow Challenges
When the transporter arrived to take Jo Anne’s mother down to X-Ray, she hardly expected him to bring a stretcher, deposit it in front of the elderly woman’s bed and request that she get out of bed and onto the stretcher by herself. There are reasons some patients wear “fall risk” precautionary wristbands and if Jo Anne had not been there to assist her mom onto the stretcher, that precaution could have become a reality.
Unfortunately, this was just the beginning of Jo Anne’s troubles with the patient transport process. When Jo Anne’s mother was brought back to her room on a stretcher, the 2 transporters proceeded to park it outside of her door and she was given the instructions to go ahead and “get back to bed.” Frustrated, Jo Anne asked an administrator, who was making PR rounds, if she could speak with someone from the transport department, but no one ever showed up. Now, anyone even slightly familiar with hospital protocol or the basics of patient transportation will realize that this is not ideal, or even acceptable, transporter behavior.
Topics: patient flow, patient transportation, patient transportation software, patient flow software
Benchmarking Essentials for Improved Patient Flow
Posted by Mary Cooper on Mon, Feb 27, 2012 @ 04:58 PM
Comparing Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Benchmarking - Inpatient transportation managers have a high level of interest in comparing their performance metrics to others to determine how they are doing.
Topics: patient flow, patient transportation